King Toe Junior
Toeism - What it is….
This is the name I have given to a style of art/design which embraces crudeness and imperfection. Movements like Art Brut, Tachism and the Japanese Gutai style of painting are all important influences, as is New York street art of the 1970s and 80s. Underpinning these more contemporary inspirations and of equal or greater importance to me is all kinds of primitive world art: from the hieroglyphics of the ancient Egyptians to the sculpture and painting of the Olmecs.
As Toeism is an outlook (or school of thought) it encompasses all forms of art; from visual to rhythmic, performative and written - the embrace of crudeness or imperfection is the thread that links them all.
This website aims to present all that I consider Toeist. You will find examples of my painting, drawing and sound design here along with other artist’s work and if you’re interested in acquiring some art, the shop has paintings and prints for sale.
By following this link you will find the Toeism Clothing shop, stocked with high-quality organic cotton garments manufactured by Teemill.
I am interested in the beauty of imperfection, contrast and the freedom in spontaneity, all of which inform my work. Recurring themes are the relationship between the artificial and the organic, and darkness/light (literal and state of mind).
Born and part-raised in Bristol, UK before moving to Woolacombe at the age of 11, I experienced inner-city, suburban and coastal life all very early which probably somewhat explains my fascination with contrast.
If you’d like to contact me for any reason please email My social media links are at the top right of this page.